xdcc_dl.xdcc package


xdcc_dl.xdcc.XDCCClient module

class xdcc_dl.xdcc.XDCCClient.XDCCClient(pack: xdcc_dl.entities.XDCCPack.XDCCPack, retry: bool = False, timeout: int = 120, fallback_channel: Optional[str] = None, throttle: Union[int, str] = - 1, wait_time: int = 0, username: str = '', channel_join_delay: Optional[int] = None)

Bases: irc.client.SimpleIRCClient

IRC Client that can download an XDCC pack

__init__(pack: xdcc_dl.entities.XDCCPack.XDCCPack, retry: bool = False, timeout: int = 120, fallback_channel: Optional[str] = None, throttle: Union[int, str] = - 1, wait_time: int = 0, username: str = '', channel_join_delay: Optional[int] = None)

Initializes the XDCC IRC client :param pack: The pack to downloadX :param retry: Set to true for retried downloads. :param timeout: Sets the timeout time for starting downloads :param fallback_channel: A fallback channel for when whois

fails to find a valid channel

  • throttle – Throttles the download to n bytes per second. If this value is <= 0, the download speed will be unlimited

  • wait_time – Waits for the specified amount of time before sending a message

  • username – If specified sets the username to log on with

  • channel_join_delay – If specifies sets the channel join delay

download() str

Downloads the pack :return: The path to the downloaded file

event = 'usersdontmatch'
handle_generic_event(event_type: str, _: irc.client.ServerConnection, event: irc.client.Event)

Handles a generic event that isn’t handled explicitly :param event_type: The event type to handle :param _: The connection to use :param event: The received event :return: None

on_action(c, e)
on_adminemail(c, e)
on_adminloc1(c, e)
on_adminloc2(c, e)
on_adminme(c, e)
on_alreadyregistered(c, e)
on_away(c, e)
on_badchanmask(c, e)
on_badchannelkey(c, e)
on_banlist(c, e)
on_banlistfull(c, e)
on_bannedfromchan(c, e)
on_cannotknock(c, e)
on_cannotsendtochan(c, e)
on_cantkillserver(c, e)
on_channelcreate(c, e)
on_channelisfull(c, e)
on_channelmodeis(c, e)
on_chanoprivsneeded(c, e)
on_closeend(c, e)
on_closing(c, e)
on_created(c, e)
on_ctcp(conn: irc.client.ServerConnection, event: irc.client.Event)

The ‘ctcp’ event indicates that a CTCP message was received. The downloader receives a CTCP from the bot to initialize the XDCC file transfer. Handles DCC ACCEPT and SEND messages. Other DCC messages will result in a raised InvalidCTCP exception. DCC ACCEPT will only occur when a resume request was sent successfully. DCC SEND will occur when the bot offers a file. :param conn: The connection :param event: The ‘ctcp’ event :return: None :raise InvalidCTCPException: In case no valid DCC message was received

on_ctcpreply(c, e)
on_currenttopic(c, e)
on_dcc_connect(c, e)
on_dcc_disconnect(_: irc.client.ServerConnection, __: irc.client.Event)

The ‘dccmsg’ event contains the file data. :param _: The connection :param __: The ‘dccmsg’ event :return: None

on_dccmsg(_: irc.client.ServerConnection, event: irc.client.Event)

The ‘dccmsg’ event contains the file data. :param _: The connection :param event: The ‘dccmsg’ event :return: None

on_disconnect(c, e)
on_endofbanlist(c, e)
on_endofexceptlist(c, e)
on_endofinfo(c, e)
on_endofinvitelist(c, e)
on_endofmotd(c, e)
on_endofnames(c, e)
on_endofservices(c, e)
on_endofstats(c, e)
on_endoftrace(c, e)
on_endofusers(c, e)
on_endofwho(c, e)
on_endofwhois(conn: irc.client.ServerConnection, _: irc.client.Event)

The ‘endofwhois’ event indicates the end of a whois request. This manually calls on_join in case the bot has not joined any channels. :param conn: The connection :param _: The ‘endofwhois’ event :return: None

on_endofwhowas(c, e)
on_erroneusnickname(c, e)
on_error(_: irc.client.ServerConnection, __: irc.client.Event)

Sometimes, the connection gives an error which may prove fatal for the download process. A possible cause of error events is a banned IP address. :param _: The connection :param __: The error event :return: None

on_exceptlist(c, e)
on_featurelist(c, e)
on_fileerror(c, e)
on_info(c, e)
on_infostart(c, e)
on_invalidcapcmd(c, e)
on_invite(c, e)
on_invitelist(c, e)
on_inviteonlychan(c, e)
on_inviting(c, e)
on_ison(c, e)
on_join(conn: irc.client.ServerConnection, event: irc.client.Event, force: bool = False)

The ‘join’ event indicates that a channel was successfully joined. The first on_join call will send a message to the bot that requests the initialization of the XDCC file transfer. :param conn: The connection :param event: The ‘join’ event :param force: If set to True, will force sending an XDCC message :return: None

on_keyset(c, e)
on_kick(c, e)
on_killdone(c, e)
on_list(c, e)
on_listend(c, e)
on_liststart(c, e)
on_luserchannels(c, e)
on_luserclient(c, e)
on_luserconns(c, e)
on_luserme(c, e)
on_luserop(c, e)
on_luserunknown(c, e)
on_mode(c, e)
on_motd(c, e)
on_motd2(c, e)
on_motdstart(c, e)
on_myinfo(c, e)
on_myportis(c, e)
on_n_global(c, e)
on_n_local(c, e)
on_namreply(c, e)
on_needmoreparams(c, e)
on_nick(c, e)
on_nickcollision(c, e)
on_nicknameinuse(c, e)
on_noadmininfo(c, e)
on_nochanmodes(c, e)
on_nologin(c, e)
on_nomotd(c, e)
on_none(c, e)
on_nonicknamegiven(c, e)
on_nooperhost(c, e)
on_noorigin(c, e)
on_nopermforhost(c, e)
on_noprivileges(c, e)
on_norecipient(c, e)
on_noservicehost(c, e)
on_nosuchchannel(c, e)
on_nosuchnick(_: irc.client.ServerConnection, __: irc.client.Event)

When a bot does not exist or is not online right now, aborts. :param _: The IRC connection :param __: The received event :return: None

on_nosuchserver(c, e)
on_notexttosend(c, e)
on_notonchannel(c, e)
on_notopic(c, e)
on_notoplevel(c, e)
on_notregistered(c, e)
on_nousers(c, e)
on_nowaway(c, e)
on_part(c, e)
on_passwdmismatch(c, e)
on_ping(_: irc.client.ServerConnection, __: irc.client.Event)

Handles a ping event. Used for timeout checks :param _: The IRC connection :param __: The received event :return: None

on_pong(c, e)
on_privmsg(c, e)
on_privnotice(_: irc.client.ServerConnection, event: irc.client.Event)

Handles privnotices. Bots sometimes send privnotices when a pack was already requested or the user is put into a queue.

If the privnotice indicates that a pack was already requested, the downloader will pause for 60 seconds

  • _ – The connection

  • event – The privnotice event



on_pubmsg(c, e)
on_pubnotice(c, e)
on_quit(c, e)
on_rehashing(c, e)
on_restricted(c, e)
on_service(c, e)
on_serviceinfo(c, e)
on_servlist(c, e)
on_servlistend(c, e)
on_statscline(c, e)
on_statscommands(c, e)
on_statshline(c, e)
on_statsiline(c, e)
on_statskline(c, e)
on_statslinkinfo(c, e)
on_statslline(c, e)
on_statsnline(c, e)
on_statsoline(c, e)
on_statsqline(c, e)
on_statsuptime(c, e)
on_statsyline(c, e)
on_summondisabled(c, e)
on_summoning(c, e)
on_time(c, e)
on_toomanychannels(c, e)
on_toomanytargets(c, e)
on_topic(c, e)
on_topicinfo(c, e)
on_traceclass(c, e)
on_traceconnecting(c, e)
on_tracehandshake(c, e)
on_tracelog(c, e)
on_tracenewtype(c, e)
on_traceoperator(c, e)
on_tracereconnect(c, e)
on_traceserver(c, e)
on_traceservice(c, e)
on_traceunknown(c, e)
on_traceuser(c, e)
on_tryagain(c, e)
on_umodeis(c, e)
on_umodeunknownflag(c, e)
on_unavailresource(c, e)
on_unaway(c, e)
on_uniqopprivsneeded(c, e)
on_unknowncommand(c, e)
on_unknownmode(c, e)
on_userhost(c, e)
on_usernotinchannel(c, e)
on_useronchannel(c, e)
on_users(c, e)
on_usersdisabled(c, e)
on_usersdontmatch(c, e)
on_usersstart(c, e)
on_version(c, e)
on_wasnosuchnick(c, e)
on_welcome(conn: irc.client.ServerConnection, _: irc.client.Event)

The ‘welcome’ event indicates a successful connection to the server Sends a whois command to find the bot on the server :param conn: The connection :param _: The ‘welcome’ event :return: None

on_whoisaccount(c, e)
on_whoischannels(conn: irc.client.ServerConnection, event: irc.client.Event)

The ‘whoischannels’ event indicates that a whois request has found channels that the bot is a part of. Channels that the bot has joined will be joined as well. :param conn: The connection :param event: The ‘whoischannels’ event :return: None

on_whoischanop(c, e)
on_whoisidle(c, e)
on_whoisoperator(c, e)
on_whoisserver(c, e)
on_whoisuser(c, e)
on_whoreply(c, e)
on_whospcrpl(c, e)
on_whowasuser(c, e)
on_wildtoplevel(c, e)
on_yourebannedcreep(c, e)
on_youreoper(c, e)
on_yourhost(c, e)
on_youwillbebanned(c, e)

Prints the download progress Should run in a separate thread to avoid blocking up the IO which could lead to reduced download speeds :return: None


Monitors when the XDCC message is sent. If it is not sent by the timeout time, a ping will be sent and handled by the on_ping method :return: None

xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions module

exception xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.AlreadyDownloadedException

Bases: Exception

Exception thrown when a file was already downloaded

exception xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.BotDoesNotExist

Bases: xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.UnrecoverableError

Exception raised if a bot does not exist

exception xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.DownloadCompleted

Bases: Exception

Exception thrown once the download has been completed

exception xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.DownloadIncomplete

Bases: Exception

Exception thrown if a download did not complete

exception xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.InvalidCTCPException

Bases: Exception

Exception thrown when an invalid CTCP DCC message type is received

exception xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.PackAlreadyRequested

Bases: Exception

Exception raised if a pack was already requested

exception xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.Timeout

Bases: xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.UnrecoverableError

Exception raised when a timeout occurs

exception xdcc_dl.xdcc.exceptions.UnrecoverableError

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when an unrecoverable error occurs

Module contents

xdcc_dl.xdcc.download_packs(packs: List[xdcc_dl.entities.XDCCPack.XDCCPack], timeout: int = 120, fallback_channel: Optional[str] = None, throttle: Union[int, str] = - 1, wait_time: int = 0, username: Optional[str] = None, channel_join_delay: Optional[int] = None)

Downloads a list of XDCC Packs :param packs: The packs to download :param timeout: Specifies timeout time :param fallback_channel: A fallback channel for when no channels were found :param throttle: Throttles the download to n bytes per second.

If this value is <= 0, the download speed will be unlimited

  • wait_time – Waits for the specified amount of time before sending a message

  • username – The username to use. If not specified, will use a random one.

  • channel_join_delay – Delays the joining of channels by a set amount of seconds. If not specified, the bot will wait a random amount of time

