xdcc_dl package



xdcc_dl.helper module

xdcc_dl.helper.add_xdcc_argparse_arguments(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Adds relevant command line arguments for an argument parser for xdcc-dl :param parser: The parser to modify :return: None

xdcc_dl.helper.prepare_packs(packs: List[xdcc_dl.entities.XDCCPack.XDCCPack], location: Optional[str])

Prepares the output path of a list of packs based on a location string :param location: The location at which to save the packs. :param packs: The packs to prepare :return: None

Module contents

xdcc_dl.sentry_dsn = 'https://f20c5998b8fc46109e71fd9ddeebd64b@sentry.namibsun.net/7'

The sentry DSN used for logging exceptions