
Submodules module

class str, json_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, no_validation: bool = False)

Bases: toktokkie.metadata.base.Metadata.Metadata,,,

Metadata class for TV Series

directory_path: str

The path to the directory this metadata describes

json: Dict[str, Any]
classmethod media_type()toktokkie.enums.MediaType

The media type of the Metadata class

classmethod required_id_types() → List[toktokkie.enums.IdType]

Required ID types for TV metadata

classmethod valid_id_types() → List[toktokkie.enums.IdType]

Valid ID types for TV metadata module


Bases: toktokkie.metadata.base.MetadataBase.MetadataBase, abc.ABC

Extra properties and methods specific to tv series

add_exclude(id_type: toktokkie.enums.IdType, season: int, episode: int, end_episode: Optional[int] = None)

Adds an excluded episode :param id_type: The ID type :param season: The season of the excluded episode :param episode: The excluded episode number :param end_episode: Optional end episode for multi-episode excludes :return: None

add_multi_episode(id_type: toktokkie.enums.IdType, season: int, start_episode: int, end_episode: int)

Adds a multi-episode :param id_type: The ID type :param season: The season of the multi episode :param start_episode: The start episode :param end_episode: The end episode :return: None

add_season_start_override(id_type: toktokkie.enums.IdType, season: int, episode: int)

Adds a new season start override :param id_type: The ID type :param season: The season :param episode: The episode :return: None

directory_path: str

The path to the directory this metadata describes

property excludes

Generates data for episodes to be excluded during renaming etc. :return A dictionary mapping episode anithemes to seasons and id types

Form: {idtype: {season: [ep1, ep2]}}

get_season(season_name: str)

Retrieves a single season for a provided season name :param season_name: The name of the season :return: The season :raises KeyError: If the season could not be found

json: Dict[str, Any]
property multi_episodes

A dictionary mapping lists of multi-episodes to id types Form: {idtype: {season: {start: end}}}

property season_start_overrides

A dictionary mapping episodes that override a season starting point to ID types Form: {idtype: {season: episode}}

property seasons

A list of TV seasons module


Bases: toktokkie.metadata.base.Prompter.Prompter,, abc.ABC

Prompter class for tv series

directory_path: str

The path to the directory this metadata describes

json: Dict[str, Any]
classmethod pre_prompt_check(directory_path: str)

Makes sure that the tv directory has at least one season :param directory_path: The path to the directory to check :return: None

classmethod prompt(directory_path: str) → Dict[str, Any]

Generates new Metadata JSON using prompts for a directory :param directory_path: The path to the directory for which to generate

the metadata object


The generated metadata JSON module


Bases: toktokkie.metadata.base.Renamer.Renamer,, abc.ABC

Class that handles renaming operations for tv series

create_rename_operations() → List[toktokkie.metadata.base.components.RenameOperation.RenameOperation]

Performs rename operations on the content referenced by this metadata object :return: The rename operations for this metadata

directory_path: str

The path to the directory this metadata describes

static generate_tv_episode_filename(original_file: str, series_name: str, season_number: int, episode_number: int, episode_name: str, multi_end: Optional[int] = None)

Generates an episode name for a given episode :param original_file: The original file. Used to get the file extension :param series_name: The name of the series :param season_number: The season number :param episode_name: The episode name :param episode_number: The episode number :param multi_end: Can be provided to create a multi-episode range :return: The generated episode name

get_episode_files(id_type: Optional[toktokkie.enums.IdType]) → Dict[str, Dict[int, List[str]]]

Generates a dictionary categorizing internal episode files for further processing. A current limitation is, that only a single service ID per season is supported. It’s currently not planned to lift this limitation, as no valid use case for more than one ID per season has come up. The episode lists are sorted by their episode name. :param id_type: The ID type for which to group the episodes :return: The generated dictionary. It will have the following form:

{service_id: {season_number: [episode_files]}}

json: Dict[str, Any]
static load_episode_name(service_id: str, id_type: Optional[toktokkie.enums.IdType], season_number: int, episode_number: int, multi_end: Optional[int] = None) → str

Loads an episode name from external sources, if available :param service_id: The external service ID for the episode’s series :param id_type: The external ID type :param season_number: The season number :param episode_number: The episode number :param multi_end: If provided,

will generate a name for a range of episodes


The episode name

resolve_title_name() → str

If possible, will fetch the appropriate name for the metadata based on IDs, falling back to the directory name if this is not possible or supported.

property selected_renaming_id_type

The preferred ID type that’s available for renaming module


Bases: toktokkie.metadata.base.Validator.Validator,, abc.ABC

Class that handles validation of tv series metadata

classmethod build_schema() → Dict[str, Any]

Generates the JSON schema :return: The JSON schema

directory_path: str

The path to the directory this metadata describes

json: Dict[str, Any]

Performs additional validation

Module contents