toktokkie.commands package


toktokkie.commands.AlbumArtFetchCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.AlbumArtFetchCommand.AlbumArtFetchCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the album-art-fetch command

download_cover_file(urls: List[str], dest: str)

Downloads a cover file, then trims it correctly and/or converts it to PNG :param urls: The URLs to try :param dest: The destination file location :return: None


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

load_anilist_cover_url(anilist_id: str) → List[str]

Loads cover image URLs using anilist IDs :param anilist_id: The anilist ID to use :return: The cover images that were found

load_musicbrainz_cover_url(musicbrainz_id: str) → List[str]

Loads cover image URls using musicbrainz release IDs :param musicbrainz_id: The musicbrainz release ID to use :return: The musicbrainz cover image URLs

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.AnimeThemeDlCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.AnimeThemeDlCommand.AnimeThemeDlCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the anitheme-dl command


Executes the commands :return: None

generate_artist_album_structure(selected_songs: List[toktokkie.utils.anithemes.AniTheme.AniTheme])
Generates a folder structure for OPs and EDs following the schema:

Artist - Album

  • Song

Songs are copied from the mp3 directory. :param selected_songs: The song data :return: None

handle_excludes(selected_songs: List[toktokkie.utils.anithemes.AniTheme.AniTheme]) → List[toktokkie.utils.anithemes.AniTheme.AniTheme]

Allows the user to exclude certain songs from being downloaded Deletes any files that may already exist for excluded songs :param selected_songs: All currently selected songs :return: The selected songs minus any excluded songs

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

load_titles(year: int, season: str, include_previous_season: bool = True) → List[str]

Loads a list of titles which can then be selected by the user :param year: The year for which to fetch titles :param season: The season for which to fetch titles :param include_previous_season: Whether to include the previous season :return: The list of titles

classmethod name() → str

The command name


Commands executed after the core anitheme-dl functionality has been completed :return: None

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

prompt_selection(shows: List[str]) → List[str]

Prompts the user for a selection of series for which to download songs :param shows: All series that are up for selection :return: A list of series names that were selected

static resolve_selected_songs(selected_series: List[str], data: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]) → List[Dict[str, str]]

Retrieves a list of all songs that are included in a selection of series :param selected_series: The selection of series :param data: The song data from reddit :return: The list of selected songs

static segmentize(titles: List[str]) → List[List[str]]

Segments a list of titles into segments (seasons) :param titles: The titles to segmentize :return: The segments

toktokkie.commands.ArchiveCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.ArchiveCommand.ArchiveCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the archive command

archive(source: str, dest: str)

Creates a low-filesize archive of a directory into a new directory :param source: The source directory :param dest: The destination directory :return: None


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.Command module

class toktokkie.commands.Command.Command(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: object

Class that encapsulates behaviour of a command for the toktokkie script

__init__(args: argparse.Namespace)

Initializes the command object :param args: The command line arguments

static add_directories_arg(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Adds a directories argument to a parser :param parser: The parser to which to add the argument :return: None


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.IconizeCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.IconizeCommand.IconizeCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the iconize command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.IdFetchCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.IdFetchCommand.IdFetchCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the id-fetch command


Executes the commands :return: None

fetch_season_ids(metadata:, fetcher: toktokkie.utils.IdFetcher.IdFetcher)

Fetches season IDs for a Tv metadata :param metadata: The Tv metadata :param fetcher: The ID fetcher to use :return: None

fill_ids(ids: Dict[toktokkie.enums.IdType, List[str]], valid_id_types: List[toktokkie.enums.IdType], fetcher: toktokkie.utils.IdFetcher.IdFetcher)

Fills IDs using an ID Fetcher :param ids: The IDs to fill :param valid_id_types: List of valid ID types :param fetcher: The IdFetcher object to use :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.MangaCreateCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.MangaCreateCommand.MangaCreateCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the manga-create command


Executes the commands :return: None

get_ids(media_id: str, media_site: str) → Dict[str, str]
classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

load_anilist_info(anilist_id: str, prompt_for_mangadex: bool = True) → Dict[str, str]
load_mangadex_info(mangadex_id: str) → Dict[str, str]
classmethod name() → str

The command name

prepare_directory(title: str, cover_url: str)
classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.MetadataAddCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.MetadataAddCommand.MetadataAddCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the metadata-add command


Adds an excluded episode to a tv series metadata :return: None


Adds a multi-episode to a tv series metadata :return: None


Adds a season to a TV series metadata :return: None


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.MetadataGenCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.MetadataGenCommand.MetadataGenCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the metadata-gen command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.MetadataValidateCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.MetadataValidateCommand.MetadataValidateCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the metadata-validate command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.MusicMergeCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.MusicMergeCommand.MusicMergeCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the music-merge command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

merge_artists(target_artist: toktokkie.Directory.Directory, source_artist: toktokkie.Directory.Directory)

Merges two artists :param target_artist: The target artist :param source_artist: The artist to merge into the target :return: None

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.MusicTagCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.MusicTagCommand.MusicTagCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the music-tag command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.PlaylistCreateCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.PlaylistCreateCommand.PlaylistCreateCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the playlist-create command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.PrintCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.PrintCommand.PrintCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the print command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.RenameCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.RenameCommand.RenameCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the rename command


Executes the command :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.SetComicCoverCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.SetComicCoverCommand.SetComicCoverCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the set-comic-cover command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.SuperCutCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.SuperCutCommand.SuperCutCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the supercut command

static adjust_chapter_names(supercut_result: str, chapters: List[str])

Changes the chapter names of a file to a given list of chapter names :param supercut_result: The file of which the chapters should be



chapters – The chapter names



static calculate_clip_duration(start: str, end: str) → int

Calculates the tme delta in seconds between two timestamps :param start: The starting timestamp :param end: The ending timestamp :return: The time delta in seconds

create_supercut(directory: toktokkie.Directory.Directory)

Creates the supercut file :param directory: The directory for which to create a supercut :return: None

cut_part(supercut_dir: str, instruction: Dict[str, str]) → Dict[str, str]

Cuts a part of a video file based on a supercut instruction using ffmpeg :param supercut_dir: The supercut directory in which to

store the output


instruction – The instruction to use


A dictionary detailing the path to the cut clip and its title


Executes the commands :return: None

static generate_instructions(directory: toktokkie.Directory.Directory)

Generates a supercut instructions file based on the the existing season metadata and episode files :param directory: The directory for which to generate the instructions :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

static is_installed(command: str) → bool

Checks whether or not a command is installed/in the path :param command: THe command to check :return: True if installed, else False

static merge_parts(supercut_dir: str, files: List[str]) → str

Merges a list of MKV files and stores them in supercut.mkv :param supercut_dir: The supercut directory :param files: The files to combine :return: The path to the combined file

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

read_supercut_instructions(metadata:, supercut_file: str) → List[Dict[str, str]]

Reads the supercut instructions file and generates an easily processable configuration list :param metadata: The metadata used for additional information :param supercut_file: The supercut file to parse :return: A list of dicitonaries modelling the individual parts of the

supercut in order

toktokkie.commands.UpdateCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.UpdateCommand.UpdateCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the update command


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.UrlOpenCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.UrlOpenCommand.UrlOpenCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the urlopen command


Executes the command :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

toktokkie.commands.YoutubeMusicDlCommand module

class toktokkie.commands.YoutubeMusicDlCommand.YoutubeMusicDlCommand(args: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: toktokkie.commands.Command.Command

Class that encapsulates behaviour of the youtube-music-dl command

create_albums(music:, info: List[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]])

Creates album objects based on downloaded info :param music: The music metadata :param info: The info from youtube download :return: None

download_from_youtube(target_dir: str) → List[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]]

Downloads all youtube URLs from the command line arguments into a directory. Both mp4 and mp3 files will be downloaded if not specified otherwise by command line arguments. Playlists will be resolved to their own video IDs and downloaded seperately :param target_dir: The directory in which to store the downloaded files :return: The downloaded songs in the following form:

[{“files”: {extension: path}}, “id”: “ID”}, …]


Executes the commands :return: None

classmethod help() → str

The help message for the command

classmethod name() → str

The command name

classmethod prepare_parser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Prepares an argumentparser for this command :param parser: The parser to prepare :return: None

static prompt_song_order(names: List[str]) → List[str]

Prompts the user for the song order in an album :param names: The names of the songs :return: List of ordered song names

Module contents

toktokkie.commands.toktokkie_commands = [<class 'toktokkie.commands.PrintCommand.PrintCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.UrlOpenCommand.UrlOpenCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.IconizeCommand.IconizeCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.RenameCommand.RenameCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.ArchiveCommand.ArchiveCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.MangaCreateCommand.MangaCreateCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.MetadataGenCommand.MetadataGenCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.UpdateCommand.UpdateCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.MetadataAddCommand.MetadataAddCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.SetComicCoverCommand.SetComicCoverCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.SuperCutCommand.SuperCutCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.AnimeThemeDlCommand.AnimeThemeDlCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.AlbumArtFetchCommand.AlbumArtFetchCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.MusicTagCommand.MusicTagCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.MusicMergeCommand.MusicMergeCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.PlaylistCreateCommand.PlaylistCreateCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.IdFetchCommand.IdFetchCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.YoutubeMusicDlCommand.YoutubeMusicDlCommand'>, <class 'toktokkie.commands.MetadataValidateCommand.MetadataValidateCommand'>]

A list of commands for the toktokkie script