

BootstrapScript Class BootstrapScript The Bootstrap Javascript Component
BootstrapStyleSheet Class BootstrapStyleSheet Integrates the Bootstrap stylesheet
Dictionary Class Dictionary Handles translation of strings. The translations are provided by external JSON files in the format:
FormReCaptcha Class FormReCaptcha Models a ReCaptcha Prompt inside a Form
GoogleAnalyticsScript Class GoogleAnalyticsScript The Google Analytics Initialization Script
GoogleFont Class GoogleFont Enables the use of Google Fonts in Html Elements
HtmlTemplateCollection Class HtmlTemplateCollection Wrapper around multiple HtmlElements that renders them in succession
Hyperlink Class Hyperlink Models a simple Hyperlink
NavbarLogo Class NavbarLogo Models a Logo in a Navbar
ReCaptchaScript Class ReCaptchaScript Script that integrates Google's FormReCaptcha
RemoteScript Class RemoteScript Light wrapper around a remote JavaScript script for better integration with other HTML Elements
Script Class Script Light wrapper around a JavaScript script for integration with other HTML Elements
Stylesheet Class Stylesheet Light wrapper around a stylesheet for better integration with other HTML Elements