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2Copyright 2020 Hermann Krumrey <hermann@krumreyh.com> 


4This file is part of betbot. 


6betbot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 

7it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 

8the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 

9(at your option) any later version. 


11betbot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 

12but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 


14GNU General Public License for more details. 


16You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 

17along with betbot. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 



20import os 

21import json 

22import requests 

23import logging 

24from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any, Tuple 

25from base64 import b64encode 

26from betbot.api.Bet import Bet 

27from betbot.api.Match import Match 



30class ApiConnection: 

31 """ 

32 Class that handles API calls to the bundesliga-tippspiel instance 

33 """ 


35 def __init__(self, username: str, password: str, url: str): 

36 """ 

37 Intitializes the API connection 

38 :param username: The username on bundesliga-tippspiel 

39 :param password: The password for that user 

40 :param url: The base url to the bundesliga-tippspiel instance 

41 """ 

42 self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 

43 self.username = username 

44 self.password = password 

45 self.url = os.path.join(url, "api/v3") + "/" 

46 self.api_key = "" 

47 self.login() 

48 self.logger.debug("Initialized") 


50 @property 

51 def auth_headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: 

52 """ 

53 :return: Authorization headers for API calls 

54 """ 

55 return {"Authorization": "Basic " + self.api_key} 


57 def login(self) -> bool: 

58 """ 

59 Retrieves an API Key using a username and password if no key 

60 has been retrieved yet or if the existing key has expired 

61 :return: True if the login was successfulle 

62 """ 

63 if not self.authorized(): 

64 self.logger.info("Requesting new API Key") 

65 creds = {"username": self.username, "password": self.password} 

66 data = self.execute_api_call("key", "POST", False, creds) 


68 if data["status"] != "ok": 

69 self.logger.warning("Login attempt failed") 

70 return False 

71 else: 

72 api_key = data["data"]["api_key"] 

73 encoded = b64encode(api_key.encode("utf-8")) 

74 self.api_key = encoded.decode("utf-8") 

75 self.logger.info("Login successful") 

76 return True 

77 else: 

78 return True 


80 def authorized(self) -> bool: 

81 """ 

82 Checks if the stored API key is valid 

83 :return: True if valid, False if not (for example because it expired) 

84 """ 

85 self.logger.debug("Authorization Check") 

86 data = self.execute_api_call("authorize", "GET", True) 

87 return data["status"] == "ok" 


89 def logout(self): 

90 """ 

91 Logs out the bot by deleting the API key 

92 :return: None 

93 """ 

94 self.execute_api_call( 

95 "key", "DELETE", json_data={"api_key": self.api_key} 

96 ) 

97 self.logger.info("Logging out.") 


99 def get_active_leagues(self) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]: 

100 """ 

101 :return: A list of tuples of leagues and seasons of active leagues 

102 """ 

103 leagues = self.execute_api_call( 

104 "leagues", "GET", True 

105 )["data"]["leagues"] 

106 newest_season = max([x[1] for x in leagues]) 

107 return [x for x in leagues if x[1] == newest_season] 


109 def get_league_table(self, season: str, league: int) -> List[str]: 

110 """ 

111 Retrieves the current league table order 

112 :param season: The league for which to retrieve the league table 

113 :param league: The season for which to retrieve the league table 

114 :return: The team abbreviations in order of their league rankings 

115 """ 

116 league_table = self.execute_api_call( 

117 f"league_table/{season}/{league}", "GET", True 

118 )["data"]["league_table"] 

119 return [x[1]["abbreviation"] for x in league_table] 


121 def get_current_matchday_matches( 

122 self, league: str, season: int 

123 ) -> List[Match]: 

124 """ 

125 Retrieves a list of matches for the current matchday 

126 :param league: The league to retrieve matches for 

127 :param season: The season to retrieve matches for 

128 :return: The list of matches 

129 """ 

130 self.logger.debug("Getting current matches") 

131 match_data = self.execute_api_call( 

132 f"matchday/{league}/{season}", "GET", True 

133 )["data"]["matches"] 

134 return [Match.from_json(x) for x in match_data] 


136 def place_bets(self, bets: List[Bet]): 

137 """ 

138 Places a list of bets 

139 :param bets: The bets to place 

140 :return: None 

141 """ 

142 for bet in bets: 

143 self.logger.info(f"Placing bet: " 

144 f"{bet.match.home_team} VS {bet.match.away_team}:" 

145 f" {bet.home_score}:{bet.away_score}") 


147 bet_dicts = [bet.to_dict() for bet in bets] 

148 data = self.execute_api_call( 

149 "place_bets", "PUT", True, {"bets": bet_dicts} 

150 ) 

151 if data["status"] != "ok": 

152 self.logger.error("Failed to place bets") 

153 else: 

154 placed = len(data["data"]["placed"]) 

155 self.logger.info(f"Placed {placed} bets (user:{self.username})") 


157 def execute_api_call( 

158 self, 

159 endpoint: str, 

160 method: str, 

161 authorization_required: bool = False, 

162 json_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, 

163 ) -> Dict[str, Any]: 

164 """ 

165 Executes an API call 

166 :param endpoint: The API endpoint 

167 :param method: The request method 

168 :param authorization_required: Whether authoirzation is required 

169 :param json_data: The JSON data to send 

170 :return: The response JSON 

171 """ 

172 if authorization_required and endpoint != "authorize": 

173 logged_in = self.login() 

174 if not logged_in: 

175 return {"status": "error"} 


177 extras = {} 

178 if authorization_required: 

179 extras["headers"] = self.auth_headers 

180 if json_data is not None: 

181 extras["json"] = json_data 


183 api_url = self.url + endpoint 

184 resp = requests.request(method, api_url, **extras) # type: ignore 

185 return json.loads(resp.text)