samsung_ru7179_remote package


samsung_ru7179_remote.auth module


Authenticates the system with the TV :return: None

samsung_ru7179_remote.commands module

samsung_ru7179_remote.commands.valid_keys = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'DOWN', 'ENTER', 'HDMI1', 'HDMI2', 'HDMI3', 'LEFT', 'MENU', 'MUTE', 'PAUSE', 'PLAY', 'POWER', 'RETURN', 'RIGHT', 'SOURCE', 'STOP', 'UP', 'VOLDOWN', 'VOLUP'}

Valid keypresses

samsung_ru7179_remote.config module

samsung_ru7179_remote.config.config_dir = '/root/.config/samsung-ru7179-remote'

The config directory path

samsung_ru7179_remote.config.config_file = '/root/.config/samsung-ru7179-remote/config.json'

The config file path

samsung_ru7179_remote.config.load_config() → Dict[str, str]

Loads the config :return: The config

samsung_ru7179_remote.config.write_config(config: Dict[str, str])

Writes the config :param config: The config to write :return: None

samsung_ru7179_remote.key module

samsung_ru7179_remote.key.execute_keypress(key_command: str)

Executes a keypress on the TV A valid token must be in the configuration file :param key_command: The command to send. Should be one of the strings in

the valid_keys set in the commands module

Module contents

samsung_ru7179_remote.sentry_dsn = ''

The Sentry DSN used for exception logging