puffotter package



puffotter.crypto module

puffotter.crypto.generate_hash(password: str)str

Salts and hashes a password to generate a hash for storage in a database :param password: The password to hash :return: The hash of the password

puffotter.crypto.generate_random(length: int)str

Generates a random byte string consisting of alphanumeric characters Thanks @ Albert (https://stackoverflow.com/users/281021/albert) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2257441 :param length: The length of the string to generate :return: The generated random byte string

puffotter.crypto.verify_password(password: str, hashed: str)

Verifies that a password matches a given hash :param password: The password to verify :param hashed: The hash to verify the password against :return: True if the password matches, otherwise False

puffotter.env module

puffotter.env.load_env_file(path: str = '.env')

Loads an environment file into os.environ :param path: The path to the environment file :return: None

puffotter.graphql module

class puffotter.graphql.GraphQlClient(api_url: str)

Bases: object

A simple API wrapper for GraphQL APIs

__init__(api_url: str)

Initializes the GraphQL API wrapper :param api_url: The API endpoint URL

query(query_string: str, variables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]])Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Executes a GraphQL query :param query_string: The query string to use :param variables: The variables to send :return: The response JSON, or None if an error occurred.

puffotter.imap module

puffotter.imap.get_inbox_count(imap_server: str, imap_address: str, imap_password: str, imap_port: int = 993)int

Checks the amount of emails in an IMAP inbox :param imap_server: The IMAP server to use :param imap_address: The IMAP address to use :param imap_password: The IMAP password to use :param imap_port: The IMAP port to use :return: The amount of emails

puffotter.init module

puffotter.init.argparse_add_logfile(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Adds the –logfile argument to the argument parser :param parser: The argument parser to modify :return: None

puffotter.init.argparse_add_verbosity(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Adds –quiet, –verbose and –debug parameters to an ArgumentParser :param parser: the parser to which to add those flags :return: None

puffotter.init.cli_start(main_func: Union[Callable[None], Callable[argparse.Namespace, None], Callable[[argparse.Namespace, logging.Logger], None]], arg_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, exit_msg: str = 'Goodbye', package_name: Optional[str] = None, sentry_dsn: Optional[str] = None, release_name: Optional[str] = None)

Starts a program and sets up logging, as well as sentry error tracking :param main_func: The main function to call :param arg_parser: The argument parser to use :param exit_msg: The message printed when the program’s execution is

stopped using a keyboard interrupt

  • package_name – The package name of the application

  • sentry_dsn – The sentry DSN to use

  • release_name – The name of the release



puffotter.init.setup_logging(args: argparse.Namespace, package_name: Optional[str])

Sets up logging for the provided arguments :param args: The CLI arguments :param package_name: The package name :return: None

puffotter.json module

puffotter.json.jsonify_models(data: Dict[str, Any], deep: bool = True)Dict[str, Any]

Serializes a dictionary and calls the __json__() method on all objects that have one. :param data: The data to serialize :param deep: Indicates whether or not child models are included.

If False, only IDs will be included.


The serialized data

puffotter.logging module

class puffotter.logging.ColorLogger(logger: logging.Logger, debug_bg: str = '\x1b[47m', debug_fg: str = '\x1b[30m', info_bg: str = '\x1b[40m', info_fg: str = '\x1b[37m', warning_bg: str = '\x1b[43m', warning_fg: str = '\x1b[30m', error_bg: str = '\x1b[101m', error_fg: str = '\x1b[30m')

Bases: object

__init__(logger: logging.Logger, debug_bg: str = '\x1b[47m', debug_fg: str = '\x1b[30m', info_bg: str = '\x1b[40m', info_fg: str = '\x1b[37m', warning_bg: str = '\x1b[43m', warning_fg: str = '\x1b[30m', error_bg: str = '\x1b[101m', error_fg: str = '\x1b[30m')

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

debug(message: str, bg: Optional[str] = None, fg: Optional[str] = None)

Logs a message at DEBUG level :param message: The message to log :param bg: Overrides the default background style :param fg: Overrides the default foreground style :return: None

error(message: str, bg: Optional[str] = None, fg: Optional[str] = None)

Logs a message at ERROR level :param message: The message to log :param bg: Overrides the default background style :param fg: Overrides the default foreground style :return: None

info(message: str, bg: Optional[str] = None, fg: Optional[str] = None)

Logs a message at INFO level :param message: The message to log :param bg: Overrides the default background style :param fg: Overrides the default foreground style :return: None

warning(message: str, bg: Optional[str] = None, fg: Optional[str] = None)

Logs a message at WARNING level :param message: The message to log :param bg: Overrides the default background style :param fg: Overrides the default foreground style :return: None

puffotter.os module

puffotter.os.create_file(path: str)

Creates an empty file :param path: The path to the file :return: None

puffotter.os.get_ext(filename: str)Optional[str]

Gets the file extension of a file :param filename: The filename for which to get the file extension :return: The file extension or None if the file has no extension

puffotter.os.listdir(path: str, no_files: bool = False, no_dirs: bool = False, no_dot: bool = True)List[Tuple[str, str]]

Improves on the standard os.listdir function. By default, files and directories starting with . are ignored and one can disable checking for files or directories. Instead of just the filenames, the function returns tuples of filenames and relative file paths. :param path: The path of which to list the contents :param no_files: If set to True, will ignore files :param no_dirs: If set to True, will ignore directories :param no_dot: If set to True, will ignore files starting with . :return: A sorted list of the contents of the directory, consisting of

tuples of the file/directory name and their relative path.

puffotter.os.makedirs(path: str, delete_before: bool = False)

A more pleasant to use makedirs function. Only calls os.makedirs if the directory does not already exist :param path: The path to the directory to create :param delete_before: If True, deletes the directory beforehand,

if it exists



puffotter.os.replace_illegal_ntfs_chars(string: str)str

Replaces illegal characters in NTFS file systems with appropriate substitutes :param string: Te string in which to replace the illegal characters :return: The sanitized string

puffotter.os.touch(path: str)

Ensures that a file exists :param path: Path to the file to ensure it exists

puffotter.print module

puffotter.print.pprint(*objects: str, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', file: IO = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, flush: bool = False, fg: Optional[str] = None, bg: Optional[str] = None)

Function that extends the print function :return: None

puffotter.prompt module

puffotter.prompt.prompt(prompt_text: str = '', default: Optional[Any] = None, _type: Callable[str, Any] = <class 'str'>, required: bool = True, choices: Optional[Set[str]] = None)Optional[Any]

Generic prompt with configuration options :param prompt_text: The text to display before the prompt :param default: A default value to use if the user responds with ‘’ :param _type: The type of the object prompted. Must take a single string

as a parameter

  • required – Whether or not a response is required

  • choices – Valid choices for the prompt


The prompt result. May be None if required is False

puffotter.prompt.prompt_comma_list(message: str, primitive_type: Callable[str, Any] = <class 'str'>, min_count: int = 0, no_empty: bool = True, default: Optional[List[Any]] = None)List[Any]

Prompts the user for a comma-separated list :param message: The message to display :param primitive_type: The primitive type of the elements in the list :param min_count: The minimum amount of elements to be provided by the user :param no_empty: Removes any empty strings :param default: A default value :return: The result of the prompt

puffotter.prompt.selection_prompt(objects: List[object])List[object]

Prompts the user for a selection from a list of objects :param objects: The objects to show :return: The selection of objects

puffotter.prompt.yn_prompt(message: str, make_sure: bool = True, case_sensitive: bool = False)bool

Creates a yes/no prompt :param message: The message to display :param make_sure: Continuously prompts if the response is neither

‘y’ or ‘n’ until it is. If false, every input besides ‘y’ will result in the return value being False


case_sensitive – Whether or not the prompt should be case-sensitive


True if the user specified ‘y’, else False

puffotter.recaptcha module

puffotter.recaptcha.verify_recaptcha(client_ip: str, recaptcha_response: str, secret_key: str)bool

Verifies a recaptcha response. If the recaptcha response originates from a local address, this method will always return True. :param client_ip: The IP Address of the client solving the captcha :param recaptcha_response: the recaptcha response to verify :param secret_key: the recaptcha secret key :return: True if the recaptcha response was correct, False otherwise

puffotter.requests module

puffotter.requests.aggressive_request(url: str)str

Handles GET requests while analyzing status codes :param url: The URL to get :return: The response text

puffotter.smtp module

puffotter.smtp.send_email(address: str, title: str, message: str, smtp_server: str, smtp_address: str, smtp_password: str, smtp_port: int = 587)

Sends an HTML email message using SMTP :param address: The address to send to :param title: The email’s title :param message: The message to send :param smtp_server: The SMTP server to use :param smtp_address: The SMTP address to use :param smtp_password: The SMTP password to use :param smtp_port: The SMTP port to use :return: None

puffotter.subprocess module

puffotter.subprocess.execute_command(command: List[str])int

Executes a command :param command: The command to execute :return: The status code

puffotter.testutils module

puffotter.units module

puffotter.units.byte_string_to_byte_count(byte_string: str)int

Converts a string representing bytes to a number of bytes. For example: “500K” -> 500 000

“2.5M” -> 2 500 000 “10GB” -> 10 000 000 000 “30kb/s” -> 30 000


byte_string – The string to convert


The amount of bytes

puffotter.units.human_readable_bytes(bytecount: int, base_1024: bool = False, remove_trailing_zeroes: bool = True)str

Converts an amount of bytes into a human-readable string :param bytecount: The bytes to convert :param base_1024: Whether or not to use 1024 as base (for mebibytes etc) :param remove_trailing_zeroes: If set to True, will remove any trailing

zeroes from the string


The human-readable string

Module contents