manga_dl.scrapers package


manga_dl.scrapers.Scraper module

class manga_dl.scrapers.Scraper.Scraper(_format: str = 'cbz', destination: Optional[str] = None, languages: Optional[Set[str]] = None)

Bases: object

Specifies the Capabilities of a manga download site scraper

__init__(_format: str = 'cbz', destination: Optional[str] = None, languages: Optional[Set[str]] = None)

Initializes the Scraper object :param _format: The format in which to store chapters :param destination: The destination directory in

which to store chapters


languages – Set of languages for which to check

generate_url(_id: str) → str

Generates an URL based on an ID :param _id: The ID to use :return: The generated URL

load_chapters(url: Optional[str] = None, _id: Optional[str] = None) → List[manga_dl.entities.Chapter.Chapter]

Loads a list of Chapter objects for an URL or ID Only one of either an URL or an ID is required :param url: The URL :param _id: The ID :return: The list of chapters

classmethod name() → str

The name of the scraper

classmethod url_matches(url: str) → bool

Checks whether or not an URL matches for the scraper :param url: The URL to check :return: Whether the URL is valid

manga_dl.scrapers.mangadex module

class manga_dl.scrapers.mangadex.MangaDexScraper(_format: str = 'cbz', destination: Optional[str] = None, languages: Optional[Set[str]] = None)

Bases: manga_dl.scrapers.Scraper.Scraper

Scraper for

generate_url(_id: str) → str

Generates an URL based on an ID :param _id: The ID to use :return: The generated URL

static get_image_pages(_self: manga_dl.entities.Chapter.Chapter, url: str) → List[str]

Callback method for the Chapter object. Loads the correct image URL for a page :param _self: The chapter that calls this method :param url: The base chapter URL :return: The page image URLs

classmethod name() → str

The name of the scraper

classmethod url_matches(url: str) → bool

Checks whether or not an URL matches for the scraper :param url: The URL to check :return: Whether the URL is valid

Module contents

manga_dl.scrapers.scrapers = [<class 'manga_dl.scrapers.mangadex.MangaDexScraper'>]

A list of manga scrapers