kudubot package


kudubot.Bot module

class kudubot.Bot.Bot(connection: bokkichat.connection.Connection.Connection, location: str, db_uri: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: object

The Bot class offers an abstraction layer above bokkichat

__init__(connection: bokkichat.connection.Connection.Connection, location: str, db_uri: Optional[str] = None)

Initializes the bot :param connection: The connection the bot should use :param location: The location of config and DB files :param db_uri: Specifies a custom database URI

auth_required() → Callable

This is a decorator that makes it possible to restrict a user’s access to certain commands. To use this, simply decorate an ‘on_’-method with this decorator. The method will then only be called if the is_authorized() method returns True :return: None

bg_iteration(iteration: int, db_session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session)

Executes a background iteration. By default this does nothing. This is supposed to be overriden by child classes to implement background functionality :param iteration: The iteration count. Useful for differentiating

between actions that have different repetition rates


db_session – The database session to use


property bg_pause

The pause between background iterations :return: The pause in seconds

classmethod create_config(connection_cls: Type[bokkichat.connection.Connection.Connection], path: str)

Creates a configuration directory for a bot :param connection_cls: The connection class for

which to generate a config


path – The path of the configuration directory



classmethod extra_config_args() → List[str]

A list of additional settings parameters required for this bot. Will be stored in a separate extras.json file


Additional init method that gets called at the end of __init__ :return: None

is_authorized(address: kudubot.db.Address.Address, args: Dict[str, Any], db_session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session) → bool

Checks if a user is authorized :param address: The user to check :param args: possible command arguments :param db_session: The database session to use :return: True if authorized, False otherwise

classmethod load(connection_cls: Type[bokkichat.connection.Connection.Connection], location: str)

Generates a Bot from the location. :param connection_cls: The class of the connection :param location: The location of the bot configuration directory :return: The generated bot

classmethod name() → str

The name of the bot

on_command(parser: kudubot.parsing.CommandParser.CommandParser, command: str, args: Dict[str, Any], sender: kudubot.db.Address.Address, db_session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session)

Handles text messages that have been parsed as commands. Automatically searches for ‘on_X’ methods in the bot and forwards the parameters to those methods if they exist. This mechanism can be used for simple bots that don’t need more logic than a simple if “command” elif “other_command”… . :param parser: The parser containing the command :param command: The command name :param args: The arguments of the command :param sender: The database address of the sender :param db_session: A valid database session :return: None

on_media(message: bokkichat.entities.message.MediaMessage.MediaMessage, sender: kudubot.db.Address.Address, db_session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session)

Handles media messages. Those are by default simply ignored. :param message: The received message :param sender: The database Address object of the sender :param db_session: A valid database session :return: None

on_msg(message: bokkichat.entities.message.Message.Message)

The callback method is called for every received message. This method automatically delegates message handling to the on_text and on_media methods. This also creates a database session for those methods to use that will avoid threading issues. :param message: The received message :return: None

on_text(message: bokkichat.entities.message.TextMessage.TextMessage, sender: kudubot.db.Address.Address, db_session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session)

Handles text messages that aren’t commands. Those are by default simply ignored. :param message: The received message :param sender: The database Address object of the sender :param db_session: A valid database session :return: None

parse(message: bokkichat.entities.message.Message.Message) → Optional[Tuple[kudubot.parsing.CommandParser.CommandParser, str, Dict[str, Any]]]

Parses the received message to check which parser and command are applicable to the message. :param message: The message to parse :return: The resulting parser/command combination

classmethod parsers() → List[kudubot.parsing.CommandParser.CommandParser]

A list of parser the bot supports for commands

pre_callback(message: bokkichat.entities.message.Message.Message) → bool

Prepares the callback and decides whether or not the callback is even executed :param message: The message to check :return: True if the execution continues, False otherwise


Method that is started when the bot is started. This executes the bg_iteration method every bg_pause seconds :return: None


Saves the configuration for this bot :return: None

send_txt(receiver: kudubot.db.Address.Address, body: str, title: Optional[str] = '')

Convenience function that allows easier sending of text messages :param receiver: The receiver of the text message :param body: The body of the text message :param title: The (optional) title of the message :return: None


Starts the bot using the implemented callback function :return: None

classmethod unauthorized_message() → str

A custom message sent to a user if they tried to access a feature that requires authorization without being authorized

classmethod version() → str

The current version of the bot

kudubot.exceptions module

exception kudubot.exceptions.ConfigurationError

Bases: Exception

Exception that gets raised whenever a configuration error was found

exception kudubot.exceptions.ParseError

Bases: Exception

Exception that gets raised whenever a parsing error occurs

kudubot.helper module

kudubot.helper.cli_bot_start(bot_cls: Type[kudubot.Bot.Bot], connection_cls: Type[bokkichat.connection.Connection.Connection], sentry_dsn: Optional[str] = None, package_name: Optional[str] = None, release_name: Optional[str] = None)

Implements a standard CLI interface for kudubot implementations :param bot_cls: The class of the bot to start :param connection_cls: The connection to use with the bot :param sentry_dsn: Optional sentry DSN for exception logging :param package_name: The name of the package :param release_name: Specifies a custom release name for sentry :return: None

Module contents

kudubot.sentry_dsn = 'https://cc8787586ec047858ecff38befd67018@sentry.namibsun.net/4'

The sentry DSN for this project

kudubot.version = '0.33.0'

The current version of the package