jerrycan.routes package



jerrycan.routes.decorators module

jerrycan.routes.decorators.api(func: Callable) Callable

Decorator that handles common API patterns and ensures that the JSON response will always follow a certain pattern :param func: The function to wrap :return: The wrapper function

jerrycan.routes.decorators.api_login_required(func: Callable) Callable

Decorator to make unauthorized API calls respond with JSON properly :param func: The function to wrap :return: The wrapped function

jerrycan.routes.static module

jerrycan.routes.static.define_blueprint(blueprint_name: str) flask.blueprints.Blueprint

Defines the blueprint for this route :param blueprint_name: The name of the blueprint :return: The blueprint

jerrycan.routes.user_management module

jerrycan.routes.user_management.define_blueprint(blueprint_name: str) flask.blueprints.Blueprint

Defines the blueprint for this route :param blueprint_name: The name of the blueprint :return: The blueprint

Module contents

jerrycan.routes.blueprint_generators: List[Tuple[Callable[[str], flask.blueprints.Blueprint], str]] = [(<function define_blueprint>, 'static'), (<function define_blueprint>, 'user_management'), (<function define_blueprint>, 'api_user_management')]

Defines the functions used to create the various blueprints as well as their names