gitlab_cloner package


gitlab_cloner.gitlab_api module

gitlab_cloner.gitlab_api.clone_repo(repo: Dict[str, Any], private_token: str)

Clones a git repository. If the repository already exists, the user will be prompted to delete the old repository. If the user refuses, the repository will not be cloned. :param repo: The repository to clone :param private_token: The private token to use when cloning :return: None

gitlab_cloner.gitlab_api.get_projects(gitlab_url: str, private_token: str) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Retrieves a list of repositories that the provided private token grants access to. :param gitlab_url: The URL of the gitlab instance, including https etc. :param private_token: The private token to use :return: A list of gitlab projects

Module contents

gitlab_cloner.clone_all(url: str, token: str, destination: str)

Clones all repositories accessible to the personal access token provided :param url: The gitlab URL, including https :param token: The personal access token to use :param destination: The destination in which to save the repos :return: None