bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections package


bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.Leaderboard module

class bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.Leaderboard.Leaderboard(league: str, season: int, matchday: int, include_bots: bool)

Bases: object

Class that encapsulates a leaderboard

__init__(league: str, season: int, matchday: int, include_bots: bool)

Initializes the leaerboard object :param league: The league of the leaderboard :param season: The season of the leaderboard :param matchday: The matchday of the leaderboard :param include_bots: Whether or not to include bots

history_to_chart_data() List[Tuple[str, str, List[int]]]

Creates data for the ranking chart :return: The data to be used by the javascript chart

matchday_ranking_to_table_data() List[Tuple[int, None, None, jerrycan.db.User.User, List[str], List[int], int]]

Calculates the leaderboard ranking to table data for the current matchday only :return: The data as tuple with the following attributes:

  • position

  • tendency (None in this case)

  • tendency-class (None in this case)

  • user

  • previous season wins (Empty list in this case)

  • The matchday wins for the current mtchday only

  • points on this matchday

ranking_to_table_data() List[Tuple[int, str, str, jerrycan.db.User.User, List[str], List[int], int]]

Converts the leaderboard into a format that can easily be entered into a HTML table :return: The data as tuple with the following attributes:

  • position

  • tendency (example: +2 or -3 etc.)

  • tendency-class

  • user

  • previous season wins

  • previous matchday wins

  • points

bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.LeagueTable module

class bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.LeagueTable.LeagueTable(league: str, season: int, matchday: int, user: Optional[jerrycan.db.User.User])

Bases: object

Class that create a league table

__init__(league: str, season: int, matchday: int, user: Optional[jerrycan.db.User.User])

Initializes the lague table object :param league: The league :param season: The season :param matchday: The matchday :param user: Optionally, a user. This will replace the real

results with the bets of the player

calculate_table() List[Tuple[int, bundesliga_tippspiel.db.match_data.Team.Team, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]]

Calculates the table :return: A list of tuples with the following items:

  • position

  • team

  • matches

  • wins

  • draws

  • losses

  • goals for

  • goals against

  • goal difference

  • points

bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.StatsGenerator module

class bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.StatsGenerator.StatsGenerator(league: str, season: int, matchday: int, include_bots: bool)

Bases: bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.Leaderboard.Leaderboard

Class that generates various statistics. Uses the Leaderboard class as base to calculate the statistics

__init__(league: str, season: int, matchday: int, include_bots: bool)

Initializes the StatsGenerator object. Loads the required data from the database :param league: The league for which to generate stats :param season: The season for which to generate stats :param matchday: The matchday for which to generate stats :param include_bots: Whether or not to include bots

calculate_average_points_per_team(bets: List[bundesliga_tippspiel.db.user_generated.Bet.Bet]) List[Tuple[bundesliga_tippspiel.db.match_data.Team.Team, float]]

Calculates the average points per team :param bets: The bets to use to calculate the values :return: A ranking of the average points per team

calculate_point_distribution_per_user() Dict[jerrycan.db.User.User, Dict[int, int]]

Calculates the points distribution for each user :return: {user: {points: count}}

get_average_points_per_team() List[Tuple[bundesliga_tippspiel.db.match_data.Team.Team, float]]

A ranking for the average points achieved by team

get_correct_bets_ranking() List[Tuple[jerrycan.db.User.User, int]]

A ranking for the amount of correct bets for each user

get_first_half_ranking() List[Tuple[jerrycan.db.User.User, int]]

A ranking for the first half of the season

get_participation_ranking() List[Tuple[jerrycan.db.User.User, int]]

A ranking for the participation rate for each user

get_points_average_ranking() List[Tuple[jerrycan.db.User.User, float]]

A ranking for the average points per bet for each user

get_points_distribution() Dict[int, int]

A distribution of points for all possible point results

get_second_half_ranking() List[Tuple[jerrycan.db.User.User, int]]

A ranking for the second half of the season

get_wrong_bets_ranking() List[Tuple[jerrycan.db.User.User, int]]

A ranking for the amount of incorrect bets for each user

bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.UserStatsGenerator module

class bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.UserStatsGenerator.UserStatsGenerator(league: str, season: int, matchday: int, user: jerrycan.db.User.User, include_bots: bool)

Bases: bundesliga_tippspiel.utils.collections.StatsGenerator.StatsGenerator

Class that generates statistics for a single user

__init__(league: str, season: int, matchday: int, user: jerrycan.db.User.User, include_bots: bool)

Initializes the UserStatsGenerator object :param league: The league for which to generate statistics :param season: The season for which to generate statistics :param matchday: The matchday for which to generate statistics :param user: The user for which to generate statistics :param include_bots: Whether or not to include bots

extract_user_position(ranking: List[Tuple[jerrycan.db.User.User, Any]]) int

Extracts the user’s position from a ranking :return: The position in the ranking

get_user_average_points_per_team() List[Tuple[bundesliga_tippspiel.db.match_data.Team.Team, float]]

The average points per team for this user

get_user_best_position() int

The user’s best position during the season

get_user_best_team() Tuple[bundesliga_tippspiel.db.match_data.Team.Team, float]

The team this user has achieved the most points for so far

get_user_bet_count() int

The amount of bets the user has placed

get_user_betting_average() float

The average points per bet of the user

get_user_correct_bets() int

The amount of correct bets for this user

get_user_first_half_position() int

The user’s position in the first half of the season

get_user_participation() int

The user’s participation up to this point

get_user_points() int

The user’s current point total

get_user_points_distribution() Dict[int, int]

A distribution of points for all possible point results

get_user_position() int

The current position of the user

get_user_second_half_position() int

The user’s position in the second half of the season

get_user_worst_position() int

The user’s worst position during the season

get_user_worst_team() Tuple[bundesliga_tippspiel.db.match_data.Team.Team, float]

The team this user has achieved the least points for so far

get_user_wrong_bets() int

The amount of wrong bets for this user

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