class Card

Class that models a playing card. It manages the value of the card in regards to blackjack and generates ASCII art of the card

Public Class Methods

new(type, number) click to toggle source

Creates a new card The constructor generates ASCII art of the card and calculates its blackjack value The card is also assigned a cardback. @param [string] type the type of the suit the card belongs to, i.e 'spades', 'hearts' etc. @param [int] number the number of the card. Numbers 2 through 10 are simply the normal numbers,

11 is the ace, 12 jack, 13 queen, 14 king

@return [nil]

# File src/objects/card.rb, line 32
def initialize(type, number)

  suit, @value, display_number, @ace = determine_card_data(type, number)
  @backside = generate_cardback
  @flipped = false
  @ascii_card = format_card(suit, display_number)

Public Instance Methods

determine_card_data(type, number) click to toggle source

Determines the suit of the card, its blackjack value, its number to be shown visually as well as if the card is an ace. @param [string] type the suit identifier string ('spades', 'hearts', 'clubs' or 'diamonds') @param [int] number the number of the card. Should be a number from 1 to 14 @return [string, int, string, boolean] the suit of the card, the blackjack value of the card,

the string representation of the card number and if the card is an ace
# File src/objects/card.rb, line 66
def determine_card_data(type, number)

  suits = {'spades' => '♠', 'diamonds' => '♦', 'hearts' => '♥', 'clubs' => '♣'}
  special_cards = {10 => '10', 12 => 'B', 13 => 'Q', 14 => 'K'}

  ace = false

  suit = suits[type]
  if type == 'spades' or type == 'clubs'
    suit = suit.set_attributes([BLACK_FG], [WHITE_BG, BLACK_FG])
    suit = suit.set_attributes([RED_FG], [WHITE_BG, BLACK_FG])

  if number < 10 and number != 1
    value = number
    display_number = number.to_s
  elsif number >= 10 and number != 11
    value = 10
    display_number = special_cards[number]
    ace = true
    value = 11  # Set value of ace to 11, since we can then just downgrade the value to 1 if the need arises
    display_number = 'A'

  return suit, value, display_number, ace
flip_over() click to toggle source

Flips over the card so that the cardback is shown instead of the generated ASCII card @return [nil]

# File src/objects/card.rb, line 105
def flip_over
  cached = @ascii_card
  @ascii_card = @backside
  @backside = cached
  @flipped = !@flipped
format_card(suit, number) click to toggle source

Generates an ASCII playing card from the provided information @param [string] suit the suit of the card @param [string] number the number of the card (like 'A' for ace or '10' for 10) @return [string] the ASCII card

# File src/objects/card.rb, line 45
def format_card(suit, number)

  top =       '┌───────────┐'
  empty_row = "|           |\n"
  bottom =    '└───────────┘'

  offset = 10 - number.length

  ascii_card = "#{top}\n| #{number}" + ' ' * offset + "|\n"
  ascii_card += empty_row * 2 + "|     #{suit}     |\n" + empty_row * 2
  ascii_card += '|' + ' ' * offset + "#{number} |\n#{bottom}"
  ascii_card.set_attributes([WHITE_BG, BLACK_FG])
generate_cardback() click to toggle source

Generates a cardback ASCII art @return [string] the cardback ASCII art

# File src/objects/card.rb, line 97
def generate_cardback
  ("┌───────────┐\n" +
  ("│░░░░░░░░░░░│\n" * 7) +
   '└───────────┘').set_attributes([WHITE_BG, BLACK_FG])
get_ascii_card() click to toggle source

@return [string] the generated ASCII card, or the cardback if the card is currently flipped

# File src/objects/card.rb, line 113
def get_ascii_card
get_value() click to toggle source

@return [int] the blackjack value of the card

# File src/objects/card.rb, line 118
def get_value
is_ace() click to toggle source

@return [boolean] if the card is an ace or not

# File src/objects/card.rb, line 123
def is_ace
is_flipped() click to toggle source

@return [boolean] if the card is flipped or not

# File src/objects/card.rb, line 128
def is_flipped