betbot package



betbot.main module

betbot.main.main(predictor_name: str, username: str, password: str, url: str, loop: bool = False)

The main function of the betbot Predicts results and places bets accordingly :param predictor_name: The name of the predictor to use :param username: The username for bundesliga-tippspiel :param password: The password for bundesliga-tippspiel :param url: The base URL for the bundesliga-tippspiel instance :param loop: If true will place new bets once an hour :return: None

betbot.main.multi_main(url: str, config: List[Tuple[str, str, str]], loop: bool = False)

Predicts using multiple procedures simultaneously :param url: The base URL for the bundesliga-tippspiel site :param config: The predictor names and credentials for the API :param loop: Whether or not to loop this once an hour :return: None

Module contents

betbot.sentry_dsn = ''

The sentry DSN used for exception logging