anime_list_apis.api package


anime_list_apis.api.AnilistApi module

class anime_list_apis.api.AnilistApi.AnilistApi(cache: anime_list_apis.cache.Cache.Cache = None, rate_limit_pause: float = 0.5)

Bases: anime_list_apis.api.ApiInterface.ApiInterface

Implements a wrapper around the API

__init__(cache: anime_list_apis.cache.Cache.Cache = None, rate_limit_pause: float = 0.5)

Initializes the Anilist Api interface. Intializes cache or uses the one provided. :param cache: The cache to use. If left as None, will use default cache :param rate_limit_pause: A duration in seconds that the API Interface

will pause after a network operation to prevent being rate limited

get_anilist_id_from_mal_id(media_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.MediaType.MediaType, mal_id: int) → Optional[int]

Retrieves an anilist ID from a myanimelist ID :param media_type: The media type of the myanimelist ID :param mal_id: The myanimelist ID :return: The anilist ID. May be None if myanimelist ID has no

equivalent on anilist

anime_list_apis.api.ApiInterface module

class anime_list_apis.api.ApiInterface.ApiInterface(id_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.Id.IdType, cache: anime_list_apis.cache.Cache.Cache = None, rate_limit_pause: float = 0.0)

Bases: object

Defines methods that every API connector should implement

__init__(id_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.Id.IdType, cache: anime_list_apis.cache.Cache.Cache = None, rate_limit_pause: float = 0.0)

Initializes the Api interface. Intializes cache or uses the one provided. :param id_type: TheID type of the API Interface :param cache: The cache to use. If left as None, will use default cache :param rate_limit_pause: A duration in seconds that the API Interface

will pause after a network operation to prevent being rate limited

get_anime_data(_id: int, fresh: bool = False) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaData.AnimeData]

Shortcut for get_data that retrieves only Anime media :param _id: The ID to fetch. May be int or Id object :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The retrieved AnimeData object or None if not a valid ID

get_anime_list(username: str) → List[anime_list_apis.models.MediaListEntry.AnimeListEntry]

Retrieves a user’s complete anime list :param username: The user’s username :return: The user’s list of AnimeListEntry objects

get_anime_list_entry(_id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = False) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaListEntry.AnimeListEntry]

Retrieves a user’s list entry for a single entry :param _id: The ID to fetch. May be int or an Id object :param username: The user for which to fetch the entry :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The Anime List Entry or None if there is not such entry

get_anime_user_data(_id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = False) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaUserData.AnimeUserData]

Retrieves a user’s user data for a single entry :param _id: The ID to fetch. May be int or an Id object :param username: The user for which to fetch the user data :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The AnimeUserData or None if there is not such entry

get_anime_user_data_list(username: str) → List[anime_list_apis.models.MediaUserData.AnimeUserData]

Retrieves a user’s complete anime list of user data objects :param username: The user’s username :return: The user’s list of AnimeUserData objects

get_data(media_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.MediaType.MediaType, _id: int, fresh: bool = False) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaData.MediaData]

Retrieves a single data object using the API Tries to get the cached value first, then checks Anilist :param media_type: The media type to retrieve :param _id: The ID to retrieve. May be either an int or an Id object :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The Media Data or None if no valid data was found

get_list(media_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.MediaType.MediaType, username: str) → List[anime_list_apis.models.MediaListEntry.MediaListEntry]

Retrieves a user’s entire list Stores all entries in the cache upon completion :param media_type: The media type to fetch :param username: The username for which to fetch the list :return: The list of List entries

get_list_entry(media_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.MediaType.MediaType, _id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = False) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaListEntry.MediaListEntry]

Retrieves a user list entry. First checks for cached entries, otherwise fetches from anilist :param media_type: The media type to fetch :param _id: The ID to retrieve. May be and int or an Id object :param username: The user for which to fetch the entry :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The entry for the user or

None if the user doesn’t have such an entry

get_manga_data(_id: int, fresh: bool = False) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaData.MangaData]

Shortcut for get_data that retrieves only Manga media :param _id: The ID to fetch. May be int or Id object :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The retrieved MangaData object or None if not a valid ID

get_manga_list(username: str) → List[anime_list_apis.models.MediaListEntry.MangaListEntry]

Retrieves a user’s complete manga list :param username: The user’s username :return: The user’s list of MangaListEntry objects

get_manga_list_entry(_id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = False) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaListEntry.MangaListEntry]

Retrieves a user’s list entry for a single entry :param _id: The ID to fetch. May be int or an Id object :param username: The user for which to fetch the entry :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The Manga List Entry or None if there is not such entry

get_manga_user_data(_id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = False) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaUserData.MangaUserData]

Retrieves a user’s user data for a single entry :param _id: The ID to fetch. May be int or an Id object :param username: The user for which to fetch the user data :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The MangaUserData or None if there is not such entry

get_manga_user_data_list(username: str) → List[anime_list_apis.models.MediaUserData.AnimeUserData]

Retrieves a user’s complete manga list of user data objects :param username: The user’s username :return: The user’s list of MangaUserData objects

Retrieves related data for either a list of MediaData objects or a single MediaData object :param datas: A list of MediaData objects (or a single one) :param fresh: Indicates if the most up-to-date results should be used :return: A list of related media data

get_user_data(media_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.MediaType.MediaType, _id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = True) → Optional[anime_list_apis.models.MediaUserData.MediaUserData]

Retrieves the user data of a single entry for a user :param media_type: The type of media to fetch :param _id: The ID to fetch :param username: The username for which to fetch :param fresh: Fetches a fresh, i.e. non-cached version :return: The MediaUserData object or None if not found

get_user_data_list(media_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.MediaType.MediaType, username: str) → List[anime_list_apis.models.MediaUserData.MediaUserData]

Retrieves a user’s entire list with only the user data :param media_type: The media type to fetch the entries for :param username: The user for whom to fetch the entries for :return: The retrieves user data in a list

is_in_anime_list(_id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = False) → bool

Checks if an entry is in a user’s list :param _id: The ID to check for :param username: The username for which to check :param fresh: Indicates if the most up-to-date results should be used :return: True if the id is in the list, False otherwise

is_in_list(media_type: anime_list_apis.models.attributes.MediaType.MediaType, _id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = False) → bool

Checks if an entry is in a user’s list :param media_type: The media type to check for :param _id: The ID to check for :param username: The username for which to check :param fresh: Indicates if the most up-to-date results should be used :return: True if the id is in the list, False otherwise

is_in_manga_list(_id: int, username: str, fresh: bool = False) → bool

Checks if an entry is in a user’s manga list :param _id: The ID to check for :param username: The username for which to check :param fresh: Indicates if the most up-to-date results should be used :return: True if the id is in the list, False otherwise

anime_list_apis.api.KitsuApi module

class anime_list_apis.api.KitsuApi.KitsuApi(cache: anime_list_apis.cache.Cache.Cache = None, rate_limit_pause: float = 0.0)

Bases: anime_list_apis.api.ApiInterface.ApiInterface

Implements a wrapper around the API

__init__(cache: anime_list_apis.cache.Cache.Cache = None, rate_limit_pause: float = 0.0)

Initializes the Kitsu Api interface. Intializes cache or uses the one provided. :param cache: The cache to use. If left as None, will use default cache :param rate_limit_pause: A duration in seconds that the API Interface

will pause after a network operation to prevent being rate limited

anime_list_apis.api.MyanimelistApi module

class anime_list_apis.api.MyanimelistApi.MyanimelistApi(cache: anime_list_apis.cache.Cache.Cache = None, rate_limit_pause: float = 0.0)

Bases: anime_list_apis.api.ApiInterface.ApiInterface

Implements a wrapper around the API

__init__(cache: anime_list_apis.cache.Cache.Cache = None, rate_limit_pause: float = 0.0)

Initializes the Myanimelist Api interface. Intializes cache or uses the one provided. :param cache: The cache to use. If left as None, will use default cache :param rate_limit_pause: A duration in seconds that the API Interface

will pause after a network operation to prevent being rate limited

Module contents