
Copyright 2016 Hermann Krumrey <>

This file is part of papio.

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import java.math.BigDecimal

 * Class that models a generic monetary value.
 * A Value object is immutable.
 * All changing operations yield a new Value object and do not affect the original object.
 * @param value: The value of the Value as a BigDecimal, which allows arbitrary precision without rounding errors
 * @param currency: The currency of the Value
data class Value(val value: BigDecimal, val currency: Currency) {

     * Generates a Value object from a String and a currency.
     * @param value: The String to parse a value from
     * @param currency: The currency of the value
     * @throws NumberFormatException: If the String does not contain a valid value
    constructor(value: String, currency: Currency) : this(BigDecimal(value), currency)

     * Adds two Values and returns the sum
     * @param value: The value with which to create a sum with
     * @return The sum of the two values
    operator fun plus(value: Value): Value {
        val converted = CurrencyConverter.convertValue(value.value, value.currency, this.currency)
        val sum = this.value.add(converted)
        return Value(sum, this.currency)

     * Subtracts a value from this value and returns the result
     * @param value: The value to subtract from this value
     * @return: The result of the subtraction
    operator fun minus(value: Value): Value {
        return this + !value

     * Multiplies the value by an integer value
     * @param multiplicand: The value with which to multiply this value
     * @return: A new Value object whose value is the product of this value and the multiplicand
    operator fun times(multiplicand: Int): Value {
        return Value(this.value.times(BigDecimal(multiplicand)), this.currency)

     * Negates the value of this Value object. Equivalent to multiplying with -1
     * @return The negated value
    operator fun not(): Value {
        return this * -1

     * Overrides the data class equals method to use the compareTo instead of equals method of the BigDecimal
     * class. This ensures that 0.00 and 0.0 are treated the same.
     * @param other: The object to compare to
     * @return true if the objects are equal, false otherwise
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        return if (other is Value) {
            this.currency == other.currency && this.value.compareTo(other.value) == 0
        } else {

     * Converts this Value to another currency
     * @param currency: The currency to which to convert to
     * @return The converted Value
    fun convert(currency: Currency? = null): Value {
        return if (currency == null || currency == this.currency) {
            Value(this.value, this.currency)
        } else {
            Value(CurrencyConverter.convertValue(this.value, this.currency, currency), currency)

     * Formats the value into a configurable human-readable String
     * @param useCurrencySymbol: Specifies if the currency's symbol (e.g. €) should be used or the currency's name (EUR)
     * @param decimalSymbol: The symbol to use as a decimal point. Defaults to a decimal point.
     * @param currencySymbolPositionBack: Specifies if the currency symbol is displayed before or after the value
     * @param overrideAccuracy: Overrides the inherent accuracy of a currency
    fun format(
        useCurrencySymbol: Boolean = false,
        decimalSymbol: String = ".",
        currencySymbolPositionBack: Boolean = false,
        overrideAccuracy: Int? = null
    ): String {

        val currencySymbol = if (useCurrencySymbol) {
        } else {

        val accuracy = overrideAccuracy ?: this.currency.displayAccuracy
        val formatted = this.value
                .setScale(accuracy, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)
                .replace(".", decimalSymbol)

        return if (currencySymbolPositionBack) {
            "$formatted $currencySymbol"
        } else {
            "$currencySymbol $formatted"

     * Creates a string representation of the value that is automatically used in string interpolation
     * @return The String representation of the value
    override fun toString(): String {
        return this.format()

     * Serializes the value
     * @return The serialized String of the value
    fun serialize(): String {
        return "${}:${this.value}"

     * Contains static methods
    companion object {

         * Generates a Value object from a serialized String
         * @param serialized: The serialized String
         * @return The generated Value object
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the currency does not exist
         * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If there aren't two individual sections for the currency and the value
         * @throws NumberFormatException If the value is not a valid number
        fun deserialize(serialized: String): Value {
            val split = serialized.split(":")

            val currency = Currency.valueOf(split[0])
            val value = BigDecimal(split[1])

            return Value(value, currency)