
Copyright 2016 Hermann Krumrey <>

This file is part of anitheme-dl.

anitheme-dl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

anitheme-dl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with anitheme-dl.  If not, see <>.

package net.namibsun.anitheme.dl.lib.parsing

import org.jsoup.Jsoup
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import org.jsoup.parser.Parser
import java.util.logging.Logger

 * ThemesMoeParser is a class that parses [](
 * The parser can be configured in a variety of ways to deliver different results
 * using a variety of optional parameters, which all default to true
 * For example, the class may be called with a simple
 *     ThemesMoeParser()
 * but say one wants to only include Openings
 *     ThemesMoeParser(includeOp = true,
 *                     includeEd = false)
 *     or:
 *     ThemesMoeParser(includeEd = false)
 * @param includeOp Specifies if opening themes should be included in the result
 * @param includeEd Specifes if the ending themes should be included in the result
class ThemesMoeParser
        val includeOp: Boolean = true,
        val includeEd: Boolean = true
    ) {

    val logger: Logger = Logger.getLogger("ThemesMoeParser")

     * The base URL for the []( PHP API
     * Used for all POST requests
    val baseApiUrl = ""

     * Fetches all series for a user on one of the list services supported by
     * [](
     * A basic usage example would be:
     *     ThemesMoeParser().fetchUserList("namboy94", MYANIMELIST)
     * This will fetch all series for the user "namboy94" using the myanimelst
     * service of [](
     * @param username The username for which to retrieve the list for
     * @param listType The type of list to search for. Must be in the [ListTypes] enum
     * @return A List of [Series] objects found while parsing the result from [](
    fun fetchUserList(username: String, listType: ListTypes): List<Series> {"Fetching ${} list for user $username")

        val request = Jsoup.connect("${this.baseApiUrl}/get_list.php")
                .data("username", username)
                .data("list", listType.value).post()

        return this.parseTable(request)

     * Fetches all series in a generated []( playlist
     * The playlist is identified by the unique id that [](
     * assigns to the playlist
     * A basic usage example:
     *     ThemesMoeParser().fetchPlayList(15214)  // Fetches all series for the playlist 15214
     * @param playListId The unique Playlist ID
     * @return A List of [Series] objects found while parsing the result from [](
    fun fetchPlayList(playListId: Int): List<Series> {"Fetching Playlist $playListId.")
        val request = Jsoup.connect("${this.baseApiUrl}/create_playlist.php").data("plist", "$playListId").post()
        return this.parseTable(normalizeTable(request))

     * Fetches all series for a specified season of anime
     * To do this, both a season and year parameter are required
     * Of course, only seasonal lists that exist on [](
     * can be fetched.
     * A basic usage example:
     *     ThemesMoeParser().fetchSeasonList(2017, Seasons.WINTER)  // Fetches all series from the 2017 winter season
     * @param year The year for which to fetch the seasonal list
     * @param season The season for which to fetch the seasonal list
     * @return A List of [Series] objects found while parsing the result from [](
    fun fetchSeasonList(year: Int, season: Seasons): List<Series> {"Fetching Season ${} for year $year")
        val request = Jsoup.connect("${this.baseApiUrl}/specific_list.php")
                .data("y", "$year")
                .data("s", season.value).post()
        return this.parseTable(request)

     * Fetches the currently popular series from the popular list on [](
     * This list is of course subject to change whenever the popularity of theme songs
     * on []( changes.
     * Basic usage example:
     *     ThemesMoeParser().fetchPopularList // Fetches all series from the popular list
    fun fetchPopularList(): List<Series> {"Fetching popular series.")
        val request = Jsoup.connect("${this.baseApiUrl}/specific_list.php").data("id", "1").post()
        return this.parseTable(request)

     * Searches []( for opening and ending songs
     * This method emulates the search form on [](
     * A basic usage example:
     *     ThemesMoeParser().search("One Punch Man")  // Fetches all search results for 'One Punch Man'
     * @param query The search term to search for
     * @return A List of [Series] objects found while parsing the result from [](
    fun search(query: String): List<Series> {"Searching for: $query")

        val request = Jsoup.connect("${this.baseApiUrl}/anime_search.php")
                .data("search", "-1")
                .data("name", query).post()

        return this.parseTable(normalizeTable(request))

     * Parses a table Element from [](
     * The list tables from []( contain 'td' elements,
     * which each contain two 'tr' elements. The first one of these specifies the
     * information about a particular series, like the name and/or [](
     * or []( URL.
     * The second 'tr' element contains multiple theme song elements, that each have a description and
     * a video file URL.
     * @param request The request to parse, no selects should be called before calling this method
     * @return A List of [Series] objects generated while parsing the table
    private fun parseTable(request: Document): List<Series> {

        val history = mutableListOf("")

        this.logger.fine("HTML Data to parse:\n$request")

        val series: MutableList<Series> = mutableListOf()
        val table ="tbody").select("tr")

        for (entry in table) {

            val name ="td")[0].text()
  "Parsing $name")

            if (name in history) {
      "Skipping Series, already in history.")
            } else {
      "Adding $name to history")
                val themes = parseEntries(entry)

                if (themes.isNotEmpty()) {
                    series.add(Series(name, themes))
          "Adding series $name with ${themes.size} themes")
                } else {
          "Skipping Series $name. No valid themes found")
        return series

     * Separately parses the links of a series
     * This is done by parsing the second 'td' element and using the 'a' tags to retrieve the
     * description and video URL for a Series
     * @param entry The 'tr' element of the series
     * @return A List of Theme objects generated by the parser
    private fun parseEntries(entry: Element): List<Theme> {

        val parts ="td")[1].select("a")
        val themes: MutableList<Theme> = mutableListOf()

        for (theme in parts) {

            val description = theme.text()
            val url = theme.attr("href")

            if (!this.includeOp && description.toUpperCase().startsWith("OP")) {
      "Skipping $description because Openings are disabled")
            } else if (!this.includeEd && description.toUpperCase().startsWith("ED")) {
      "Skipping $description because Endings are disabled")
            } else {
      "Adding Theme: {$description: $url}")
                themes.add(Theme(description, url))
        return themes

     * OK, so this is a weird one.
     * The 'create_playlist.php' and 'anime_search.php' API endpoints return some weird form of malformed HTML.
     * It contains '["', and everything after it is Html-entity encoded.
     * This method tries to format the POST request result
     * @param request The request document to normalize
     * @return The normalized request
    private fun normalizeTable(request: Document): Document {
        val normalized = Parser.unescapeEntities(request.toString(), true)
                .replace("\\/", "/")
                .replace("\\\"", "")
                .replace("[\"", "")
        return Jsoup.parse(normalized)